Terms & Conditions
We want all of our Curious Kids and their parents/guardians to have a fun and exciting experience whilst exploring our play town. We have some terms and conditions that protect us, you and your curious explorers.
By purchasing a ticket and entering the play town you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please take time to familiarise yourself with them.
1. Rules of Play
1.1 Children must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times. Curious Kids Town Ltd. do not accept responsibility for the supervision of children. Parents/carers are responsible for the behaviour and wellbeing of the children in their care and must remain within the building to maintain supervision at all times.
1.2 Please remove outdoor shoes before entering the play town. Socks/slippers must be worn at all times. The only exception to this rule are staff members who wear indoor shoes and those who require shoes for walking due to medical reasons. Please inform Curious Kids Town Ltd. prior to your visit.
1.3 The play town is cleaned and re-set prior to each session. When you arrive, the door may be closed. We ask for your patience and that you arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your pre-booked session time. In inclement weather we will do our best to accommodate and allow early entry into the seating area only.
1.4 No food or drink should be taken into the play town area.
1.5 All visitors who are unwell must not enter the play town for a period of 48 hours after recovery. This is for the benefit of everyone attending Curious and will help prevent the spread of infection. Refunds will not be given but bookings are transferable if you notify us 24 hours before your booked session. We will do our best to make alternative arrangements with you if you contact us. If a child or adult visiting the town becomes unwell or appears infectious they will be asked to leave the premises immediately. No refunds or transfers will be offered in such cases.
1.6 Please report all accidents to a member of staff so that we can provide the necessary assistance and minimise potential reoccurrence. Any incidents will be logged and are an important part of our ongoing safety audits.
1.7 Any damage to the play town or its equipment must be reported to a member of staff. Any person found to be causing wilful damage will be asked to pay for damage caused and be requested to leave the premises immediately.
1.8 For health and safety reasons only food purchased at Curious Kids Town Ltd. may be consumed on the premises. The only exceptions to this rule are special dietary requirements of which you should notify us prior to visiting and when exclusive hire agreements are made, cold food only may be brought for children’s parties.
1.9 Please report any behavioural concerns to a member of staff. Do not attempt to intervene yourself. Curious Kids Town Ltd. reserve the right to deny admission or request a visitor to leave if they do not abide by the town rules, if they pose a threat to staff or visitors or display any offensive or abusive behaviour. We operate a no tolerance policy for such behaviour which will be strictly adhered to.
1.10 You are welcome to take pictures of your child/ren but when doing so we ask you to ensure that you only photograph those children in your group. Curious Kids Town Ltd. cannot be held responsible for any images posted on social media or public websites. We will never share any images on our website or on social media without prior written consent.
1.11 Children of all ages are welcome to play and we acknowledge that children develop at different ages. However, the town is specifically designed for young children aged 6 and under. We have a lot of props/toys, some being deemed suitable for ages 3 and up. Whilst all children must be supervised by their responsible adult, those under the age of 3 must be closely supervised at all times.
1.12 We want everyone attending Curious Kids Town to have a wonderful time. Please respect others and encourage your children to do the same.
1.13 Each session lasts 80 minutes. If you join a play session in progress, you will still need to leave at the end of that session so the play area can be cleaned and re-set for the next session. It is your responsibility to arrive in time for your session. If you miss your session or part thereof, refunds or transfers will not be possible. Please plan your journey in advance. If you are travelling by car we strongly advise you arrive in plenty of time to locate a parking space. On site parking is limited and the area can be busy during the two midweek morning sessions. On road parking in the area is free and many take advantage of this with Lumley Street being busy in the mornings. Effingham Road and Foley Street are a 3 minute walk away and have ample free parking from 09:30-16:00. Please check the parking restrictions prior to leaving your car.
1.14 Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is strictly prohibited within Curious Kids Town. In the best interests of all children (and adults) visiting us we ask that you refrain from smoking around the perimeter of the building.
2. Tickets, Transfers and Cancellations:
2.1 All bookings are non-refundable.
2.2 A booking can be transferred to another session where we receive a minimum of 24 hours’ notice prior to the start of the session. No transfer will be permitted with less than 24 hours’ notice. There are no exceptions to this rule and applies in all circumstances including, but not limited to difficulty locating a parking space, traffic, illness or bad weather.
2.3 Curious Kids Town Ltd. reserve the right to close the play town if deemed necessary for the security and safety of visitors and staff. In such an instance you will be offered the opportunity to re-book or a full refund will be given.
2.4 One child ticket entitles a child plus one adult entry into the Curious Play Town for one 80 minute session. Additional adult tickets can be purchased subject to availability.
2.5 Spaces are limited to maximise enjoyment of the play town and also for safety reasons. Only those with a valid ticket will be allowed entry into the building.
2.6 It is your responsibility to check the booking made to ensure accuracy of session date, time and number of visitors in your group. If the building is at capacity it will not always be possible for us to rectify mistakes at short notice.
2.7 All children must pay admission with the exception of those pre-walking infants that accompany a paying child.
2.8 Unaccompanied adults will not be permitted entry.
2.9 Ticket prices are listed on our website but may change at any time. We reserve the right to correct any pricing errors after booking.
2.10 When a booking is made on behalf of others, the buyer is responsible for notifying all those in the party of these terms and conditions.
3. Special Arrangements
3.1 Please contact a member of the team if you or your child has any allergy, disability, medical condition or other need that may impact upon your visit to Curious Kids Town. We will endeavour to do our very best to accommodate you and put in place any appropriate measures to meet your specific needs.
4. Safety and Security
4.1 Children MUST be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
4.2 Customers should keep all valuables with them at all times.
4.3 Customers bringing personal belongings into Curious Kids Town do so at their own risk. Curious Kids Town Ltd. accepts no liability for any loss or damage to visitors’ belongings.
4.3 Curious Kids Town Ltd. accepts no liability for any pushchairs/belongings left in the buggy park.
4.4 Cars are parked within the yard or on the street at your own risk. Curious Kids Town Ltd. will not accept liability for any accidents, damage or loss incurred.